GCE druva 200 Instructions For Use Manual Download Page 14




The pressure device is only to be used for expanding gaseous media from gas cylinders.

Any use other than or exceeding this is regarded as improper use. 

The intended use also encompasses


observing all information in the operating instructions,


carrying out inspection and maintenance work,


observing the rating plate and the data sheet.


Our “General Conditions of Sale and Delivery” apply. These are available to the operating authority at the 

latest on formation of the contract. Guarantee and liability claims regarding personal injury and damage to 

property are excluded if they result from one or more of the following causes:


Improper use of the pressure device.


Incorrect assembly, start-up, operation or servicing of the pressure device.


Operation of the pressure device with defective safety equipment, or with incorrectly installed or non-

functioning safety and protection devices.


Nonobservance of information in the operating instructions relating to transport, storage, assembly, start-

up, operation, servicing and equipping of the pressure device.


Unauthorized constructional alterations to the pressure device.


Unauthorized alteration of the cylinder connections for use of other gas types, exceeding of permissible 

inlet pressures, use of extraneous or non-original seals.


Insufficient monitoring of equipment, screwed fittings, and sealing parts, which are subject to wear.


Repairs carried out incorrectly. 


Temperature exceeds or falls below the temperature range indicated in the data sheet, during operation 

or storage.


Unforeseen calamities resulting from effect of foreign body or force majeure.


The following designations and symbols are used in the operating instructions to indicate dangers:

This symbol indicates an immediate threat of danger to the life and health of persons. Ignoring this 

information will have serious consequences which are damaging to health. This may include life-

threatening injury.
This symbol indicates a possible threat of danger to the life and health of persons. Ignoring this information 

can have serious consequences which are damaging to health. This may include life threatening injury. 
This symbol indicates a situation which might be dangerous. Ignoring this information can result in minor 

injury or damage to property.

This symbol indicates important information for correct handling of the pressure device. Hints for operation 

and particularly useful information are provided. Ignoring this information can result in malfunctions at the 

pressure device or in the surrounding area. Hints for operation help you to use all the functions of your 

pressure device optimally.



The required personal protective equipment must be provided by the operating authority.


All the safety devices must be checked regularly. 


In case of oxygen shortage or excessive contaminant concentration, respiratory equipment which is inde-

pendent of the surrounding atmosphere is required (VBG 1).



Every time the pressure device is started up, all safety equipment must first be correctly fitted and in 

working order.


Protective devices and safety equipment must only be removed after the pressure device or system has 

been put out of operation and the pressure device has been secured against restarting. 


When partial components are supplied the operating authority must ensure that the safety equipment is 

fitted correctly.



Never make alterations to the programme!


The controller must be operated by trained personnel only.



Before switching on the pressure device, ensure that no-one can be put in a situation of danger due to 

the pressure device start-up.


Summary of Contents for 200


Page 2: ...n Hinweise um druckf hrende Ger te sicherheitsgerecht zu betreiben Die Sicherheitshinweise sind von allen Personen zu beachten die an den Armaturen arbeiten Da r berhinaus sind die f r den Einsatzort...

Page 3: ...nsachgem durchgef hrte Reparaturen berschreitung oder Unterschreitung des im Datenblatt angegebenen Temperaturbereichs w hrend des Betriebs bzw w hrend der Lagerung Katastrophenf lle durch Fremdk rper...

Page 4: ...Teile m ssen absolut l und fettfrei sein Brandund Ex plosionsgefahr Nur Schmierstoffe mit Sauerstoffzulassung verwenden Bei Acetylen keine Rohrleitungen oder andere Anlagenteile aus Kupfer verwenden B...

Page 5: ...rh tungsvorschriften TRAC Techn Regeln f r Acetylenanlagen und Calciumcarbidlager TRAC 204 206 207 208 Gasen k nnen bei Undichtigkeit des druckf hrenden Ger tes Gefahren f r Leib und Leben des Benutze...

Page 6: ...1 4 f Innengewinde erm g lichen vielf ltige Anschlu m glichkeiten Siehe Abb 1 Bitte beachten Sie bei allen nderungen immer die Hinweise unter Punkt 6 Anschlie en und 7 Inbetrieb nahme 4 3 FLASCHENDRU...

Page 7: ...onenten wie z B Absperrventil 16 oder Regelventil 18 SP LBARE FLASCHENDRUCKMINDERER Die Ausf hrungen FMD 5 21 erlauben die Sp lung des Druckminderers mit Fremdgas ber das Eingangs sp l und das Brauchg...

Page 8: ...Gasverbraucher Die Standardausf hrung EMD 5 06 besteht aus Eingangsabsperrventil Druck minderer Manometer und Befestigungsplatte 2 Abb 6 EMD 500 06 1 Eingangsabsperrventil 2 Druckminderer 3 Hinderdru...

Page 9: ...ierte Personen He Typ EMD 400 01 Mat Ms Ni PVDF Pin 40 bar Pout 0 5 10 bar 95 10 VerwendenSienurArmaturen derenVerwendungszweck mit den auf dem Typenschild gekennzeichneten Gasarten und Betriebsdr cke...

Page 10: ...nderern FMD 5 21 ist vor der Inbetriebnahme bei Flaschenwechsel und Au erbetriebnahme eine Sp lung mit Fremdgas durchzuf hren Flaschendruckminderer mit Fremdgassp lung erm glichen die Trocknung der Ar...

Page 11: ...kgasflasche giftige oder korrosive Gase entnommen ist vor dem Auswechseln der leeren Flasche das druckf hrende Ger t mit inertem Gas zu sp len wie in Kap 6 1 Fremdgassp lung Damit wird erreicht da das...

Page 12: ...hinweise im zweiten Kapitel 10 2 BETRIEBSST RUNGEN Druckminderer des Herstellers arbeiten stets sehr zuverl ssig Sollte dennoch der Hinterdruck unzul ssig ansteigen und oder das Abblaseventil ansprech...

Page 13: ...operation of the pressure device is contained in these operating instructions The safety instructions must be observed by all persons who work on the fittings Ad ditionally the rules and regulations w...

Page 14: ...ers This symbol indicates an immediate threat of danger to the life and health of persons Ignoring this information will have serious consequences which are damaging to health This may include life th...

Page 15: ...xternal purging device 2 16 EMISSION OF HARMFUL GASES AND VAPOURS When safety equipment is open or in case of malfunctions harmful gases can escape see above Ensure sufficient ventilation or extractio...

Page 16: ...0 370 TRGL Technical norms for high pressure gas pipes TRGL 101 111 141 151 161 171 181 191 195 201 211 231 241 242 251 261 291 295 501 511 521 UVV Accident prevention regulations VBG 1 4 15 50 61 62...

Page 17: ...itional device like shut off valve 16 or metering valve 18 FMD 500 502 21 The FMD 500 502 21 model allows external purging using a purge valve inlet and the pro cess valve outlet By this means the pre...

Page 18: ...s Fig 5 Single stage LMD 500 03 and double stage LMD 502 03 with inlet and outlet pressure valve 4 5 POINT OF USE PRESSURE REGULATOR Point of use pressure regulators are installed at the end of centra...

Page 19: ...te and labelling Thread of danger to life and health of persons and or damage of pressure device Manufacturer Attention Pressure device Service only by autorised persons He Typ EMD 400 01 Mat Ms Ni PV...

Page 20: ...e the pressure regulator 2 completely by turning the handwheel anticlockwise 6 2 LINE AND SUPPLY PRESSURE REGULATORS PREPARATION Release the gas pressure purge if necessary with inert gas see VBG 50 T...

Page 21: ...for dangerous substances TGRS 900 and have the correct respiratory protection filters at hand 9 1 CYLINDER PRESSURE REGULATORS For a brief interruption of gas removal it is sufficient to close the shu...

Page 22: ...s sione In tal caso insieme alle presenti istruzioni per il funzionamento sono valide le istruzioni per il funzio namento specifiche ISTRUZIONI FONDAMENTALI PER LA SICUREZZA 2 1 INFORMAZIONI NELLE IST...

Page 23: ...non originali Monitoraggio insufficiente di apparecchiature accessori avvitati e parti di tenuta soggetti a usura Riparazioni effettuate in modo errato Temperatura superiore o inferiore all intervall...

Page 24: ...ti dei particolari pericoli associati al gas e delle misure di protezione personali o di altro tipo 2 15 INFORMAZIONI SU TIPI DI GAS SPECIALI Tutte le parti che entrano in contatto con l ossigeno non...

Page 25: ...AcetV legge BImSchG per la protezione contro gli effetti limitrofi di gas distur bo da fumo odori ecc con regolamento per il divieto di CFC BImSchV e 2 Limitazione delle emissioni di idrocarburi aloge...

Page 26: ...o consultare i suggerimenti nei paragrafi 6 e 7 4 3 REGOLATORI DI PRESSIONE PER BOMBOLE Il modello FMD 500 502 progettato per ridurre l alta pressione della bombola sull in tervallo di pressione di er...

Page 27: ...ento della bombola 2 Regolatore di pressione 3 Manometro di ingresso 4 Manometro di uscita 5 Valvola di gas di processo 6 Valvola di sicurezza 7 Valvola di gas di sfiato 8 Valvola di non ritorno 5 4 8...

Page 28: ...della manopola da aperta a chiusa Attenzione solo le valvole di intercettazione garantiscono l interruzione del flusso di gas sicura 4 7 ACCESSORI Per la serie 500 disponibile una vasta gamma di acces...

Page 29: ...tamente il tubo nel raccordo Av vitare quindi manualmente il dado di giunzione e serrarlo con una chiave un giro e un quarto Seguire le istruzioni del produttore e la compatibilit di tipo di gas press...

Page 30: ...mento della bombola Se si verifica la formazione di bolle serrare il collegamento della bombola fino ad arrestare la formazione di bolle Se sono state sostituite le guarnizioni ripetere il test di per...

Page 31: ...ne e manutenzione devono essere effettuate solo dal produttore o da una societ specializzata autorizzata dal produttore e solo utilizzando pezzi di ricambio originali Per garantire un perfetto funzion...

Page 32: ...r gulateurs de pression soupapes disques de rupture et ainsi de suite Ce dispositif de guidage de pression peut galement tre int gr dans des installations d alimentation sous pression Dans ce cas des...

Page 33: ...tockage l e montage la mise en marche le fonctionnement la maintenance et l quipement du dispositif de pression Toute modification non autoris e de l appareil de pression Modification non autoris e de...

Page 34: ...aleur excessive ou m me d clatement des bouteilles de gaz ou pi ces sous pression Veuillez prendre les mesures de pr caution et de s curit appropri es 2 14 DANGERS SPECIFIQUES DE FUITES EXTERNES Si de...

Page 35: ...e de gaz Dans ce cas veuillez contacter le fabricant 2 21 LOIS DIRECTIVES NORMES REGLEMENTATION LOIS ET REGLEMENTATIONS Loi GSG sur la s curit du dispositif avec r glements administratifs g n raux aVV...

Page 36: ...ix 4 dans certains cas al sages d entr e et de sortie avec filetage femelle 1 4 NPT permet une large gamme d options de connexion et d adaptation du r gulateur de pression Veuillez suivre dans le cas...

Page 37: ...charge 5 4 3 1 6 2 Fig 4 coulement 500 21 1 Connexion de la bouteille 2 R gulateur de pression 3 Manom tre de pression d entr e 4 Manom tre de pression de sortie 5 Robinet de gaz de process 6 Robinet...

Page 38: ...rr t d entr e 2 R gulateur de pression 3 Jauge de pression arri re 3 1 4 6 VANNES A MEMBRANE Cette gamme de produits se distingue par une grande fiabilit faible taux de fuite et endurance Longlife Les...

Page 39: ...OUTEILLE Le filetage de la valve de la bouteille et l crou de raccordement doivent tre dans un parfait tat Toujours utiliser de nouveaux joints Les joints ne doivent pas tre d form s et ne doivent por...

Page 40: ...s et avant de mettre fin l op ration Un gaz de purge sec N2 ou AR 5 0 de 4 10 bar est n cessaire pour la r ussite de la purge 1 V rifier que les conduites de purge 7 et conduites d chappement 5 sont c...

Page 41: ...es gaz corrosifs ou toxiques des mesures de s curit personnelle doivent tre prises protection respiratoire protection des yeux et v tements de protection Observer les valeurs MAK voir les normes techn...

Page 42: ...v rifi s une fois par an par le fabricant Un contrat de service est recommand cette fin Veuillez noter la Garantie et conditions de livraison du fabricant ainsi que les informations relatives la s cu...

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