gbo Medizintechnik
AG 2009
Version 1.0
diadynamic currents, ultrastimulation current, microstimulation current, TENS- and TENS Burst
currents, high-voltage currents and middle-frequency currents.
medical diagnosis
it is suitable for:
Qualitative and quantitative determination of faradic excitability.
Determination of the rheobase, chronaxy and accommodability.
Recording of stimulus intensity/stimulus time characteristics (I/T curves) with defined,
measurable and reproducible rectangular and triangular pulses (exponential current).
MF test according to Dr. Lange.
Extensive non-invasive electro-diagnostics of peripheral paralyses.
Neurodiagnostic examinations with galvano-palpations.
gbo service concept
Servicing gbo devices is based on a board replacement to ensure good quality and proper function
of the devices. As many components on the PCBs are SMD parts, which makes soldering a
complicated task, it is not recommended to change components on the boards. Even more, some
components require seperate adjustment procedures when exchanged, and also special calibrated
measurement tools.
This service manual is intended to help you learning about the structure of the device, and to guide
you through failure analysis in a defined way. Especially you will find out which component should
be replaced and how this will be done.
After exchanging components, it is necessary to execute the safety test (measurement of leakage
currents, check of protective earth connection).
1.3 Overview
The Stereodynator is a two channel unit for treatment with single channel currents. It can also be
used as an Interference unit with 2 or 3 channels. The interference with two channels is done by
four separate electrodes. The interference with 3 channels (Stereodynamic Interference or 3
dimensional Interference) is done by special electrodes. Two electrodes with 3 poles on each
electrodes are used for Stereodynamic interference.
Optionally a vacuum module can be integrated into the unit. This vacuum module allows the user to
perform a treatment with suction electrodes.
Optionally an Ultrasound module allows the user to perform an Ultrasound treatment or a
combination treatment with current. Therefore the ultrasound probe replaces one of the two
The Stereodynator is easy to use. All currents can be selected by a 15” display with touch screen.
Changes in the parameters for each current can easily be done. Own currents can be stored by own
names. A patient database allows the recording of treatment sessions. Previously performed
treatments can be shown in the Logbook and can be selected for the next therapy.
1.4 Components
1.4.1 Power
The power supply used is a switched power supply with a wide input from 100 – 240V and an
output voltage of 48V DC. The power supply is 60601-1 approved.