gbo Medizintechnik
AG 2009
Version 1.0
Error message
Probable cause
Possible remedy
50001 A hardware error in channel 1 was
detected. Therefore the unit has to be
repaired for further use.
Please contact your service partner.
50100 PA1: Board does not respond
50101 PA1: Communication error
50102 PA1: CRC incorrect
50103 PA1: incorrect SOH
50104 PA1: incorrect EOH
50105 PA1: time out
50106 PA1: incorrect instruction
50107 PA1: time too short
50108 PA1: Instruction too short
50109 PA1: received CRC or frame number
50110 PA1: received SOH incorrect
50111 PA1: received EOH incorrect
50112 PA1: Time-Out during reception
50200 Undefined COM error channel 1
50201 Error while opening the COM port
channel 1
50202 Error while configuring COM port
channel 1
51100 PA1: Board does not respond - during
51101 PA1: Communication error - during
51102 PA1: CRC incorrect - during therapy
51103 PA1: incorrect SOH - during therapy
51104 PA1: incorrect EOH - during therapy
51105 PA1: time out - during therapy
51106 PA1: incorrect instruction - during
51107 PA1: time too short - during therapy
51108 PA1: Instruction too short - during
51109 PA1: received CRC or framenumber
incorrect - during therapy
51110 PA1: received SOH incorrect - during
51111 PA1: received EOH incorrect - during
51112 PA1: Time-Out during reception - during
51200 Undefined COM error channel 1 - during
51201 Error while opening the COM port
channel 1 - during therapy
51202 Error while configuring COM port
channel 1 - during therapy
Current amplifier board 1
Check for the correct placement of the
board current amplifier 1.
If the board was properly mounted,
change the power amplifier board 1