– When the descaling cycle has not been finished correctly,
is crucial to start the descaling cycle again from the beginning, before using
the machine again. In this case, fill the water tank with clear, cold water for
removing the descaling solution completely from the water system.
8. Wait until the machine indicates that the first step of descaling is finished (“Des-
caling cycle 1/2 completed”).
9. Touch the button “Continue” and adhere to the instructions given on the screen:
Remove the water tank and empty residues of descaling solution. Rinse the
water tank thoroughly. Thereafter, fill the water tank with clear, cold tap water
and replace it.
10. Touch the button “Next” for displaying the next instruction page: Empty your con-
tainer below the group head and replace it. Direct the steam wand into your
11. Touch the button “Done” for starting the rinsing process (second step of the des-
caling cycle). Let the machine operate until the rinsing process is finished and
an appropriate message appears (“Descaling cycle 2/2 completed”).
12. Touch the button “Exit” for getting back to the maintenance page. Via the home
icon in the navigation bar you may return to the home page.
Before next use:
Refill the water tank and install a water filter (see: ‘Before First
Use / Preparations after Purchasing’).
When any problems occur during operation, you find solutions in the following table.
Possible Reason
The Easy Solution
Emergency stop?
Unplug the appliance.
You switched on the appli-
ance, but only the time is
the screen is completely
When the appliance is idle
for approx. 5 minutes, the
sleep mode is activated.
Touch the displayed time for recalling the previous page.
When the appliance is idle
for approx. 30 minutes,
the automatic shut-off is
Press the on/off button for switching on the appliance
The screen does not
respond to your entries.
You did not touch the cor-
rect area.
Touch the text or icon of the desired function.
An instruction page is dis-
Despite of the buttons for leaving through (e.g. “Next”,
“Done”), the operating elements shown on the instruction
pages are illustrations only and without any function. Touch
the home icon or arrow in the navigation bar for returning
to the operating elements of the screen-based control.
The appliance is busy.
While a function is running, which cannot be interrupted
(e.g. immediately after swichting on), the screen is inac-
tiv. Wait until the function is finished.
You tried a person icon,
which is still empty (no
drink saved).
This is normal. When the person icon is empty, the head
is shown in contours. First, save a drink via this person
An internal problem occur-
Switch off and unplug the appliance. Wait 5 minutes.
Then start the appliance and check the problem again.
When the problem persists, get in contact with your ven-
dor for examination and repair.
The water filter comes
up in the water tank and
Too much air in the water
Take the water filter from the water tank and remove
remaining air (see: ‘Before First Use / Preparation after
Purchase’). The water filter is ready for use, when it
sinks in water.
When the problem occurs repeatedly after emtying the
water tank and refilling it, replace the water filter. Do not
squeeze the waer filter too hard, while removing the air,
because this may damage the capsule.