Mechanical Interface Option
Control Lines for Gasboy 9800 or 9820 Electronic Pumps/Dispensers
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MDE-4319A TopKAT Fuel Managment System Installation Manual · November 2005
Submersible Starter Drive (Subm Starter Drive)
The Subm Starter Drive is a 115 VAC (230 VAC Int’l) output used to control a submersible
starter relay. Two lines are provided for twins. This line is capable of supplying 300mA of
AC current to control the coil of the submersible motor contactor (starter relay). This is
sufficient for directly connecting to the popular models, but if in doubt, check the contactor
(relay) manufacturer’s data sheet for the sealed VA rating. Divide the sealed VA by the coil
voltage to determine the current. This line must not be connected directly to the submersible
pump, shorted to any conduit or chassis metal, or mis-wired, or the CPU PC board will be
instantly damaged! This line must be left capped when not in use.
Submersible Drive (Subm Drive)
This line is always present for dispensers, but is active only when subm drive relays are
supplied. The Subm Drive is a 115/230 VAC (230 VAC Int’l) output used to control the
submersible starter relay or submersible pump. When connected directly to the submersible
pump, the motor size cannot exceed 3/4 HP at 115 VAC or 1-1/2 HP at 230 VAC. Two lines
are provided for twins. In cases where both lines will be controlling the same starter relay or
pump, they can be combined.
Reset Complete (Switch Detect)/Slow Flow
The Reset Complete/Slow Flow is a 115 VAC (230 VAC Int’l) output which is used to indicate
that the reset process is complete and the unit is ready to dispense product. It is required when
used with a TopKAT fuel management system. It may also be used to control a remote
(satellite) slow flow valve. Two lines are provided for twins.
Phase 2 Feed
The phase 2 feed is a hot feed which is the opposite phase of the pump motor feed. This line
and the pump motor feed are used for 230 VAC motor applications. The Phase 2 Feed should
be switched through a separate relay to prevent false triggering of the authorization signal.
Light Feed
The Light Feed is a 115 VAC input required to power the fluorescent lights. In a site
configuration using multiple dispensers (or pumps), the power for the lights of up to 8 units
can be supplied by one breaker. It is recommended that this be on a separate breaker from the
Micro/Heater Feed to reduce electrical noise and allow for separate control of the lights.
Light Neutral
The Light Neutral is a return line for AC current from the lights to the breaker panel. When a
separate breaker is not used to control the lights, the light neutral is attached to the Micro