MDE-4319A TopKAT Fuel Managment System Installation Manual · November 2005
Page 9
Component Location and Installation Specifications
General Installation
communication. This modem meets or exceeds the direct connection registration
requirements of the FCC rules. The modem will connect directly through a phone line
supplied by the phone company. The customer is required to order this phone line and have it
To order this equipment from the phone company, specify:
The registration number of 6BHUSA-24793-DT-E.
The data transmission rate of 300 baud, 1200 baud, 2400 baud, or 9600 baud.
The Bell equivalent of 103J/212A.
Power Conditioner
When used, a UL-Listed power conditioner helps provide clean power to the TopKAT. Poor
power conditions are a key cause to system malfunction or failure. The power conditioner
provides transient and common mode protection for the TopKAT, although it cannot totally
compensate for extremely poor power conditions. The power conditioner must be located in
an area protected from direct contact with weather (typically near the system circuit breakers)
and should be no further than 50 feet from the TopKAT for optimum protection. It must not be
used over a hazardous location.
When used with a TopKAT installed on a 9800 or ASTRA, the Micro Feed line from the
pump/dispenser is routed through the power conditioner and then to the breaker. With a
mechanical installation, the TopKAT is directly connected to the power conditioner and then to
the breaker. The power conditioner is designed for an operating temperature range of -20
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