Garrecht Avionik GmbH
TRX-2000 ADS-B Traffic Monitor
User Manual
Revision: 1.0b
19 DEC 2011
1. Principles
1.1. General
Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast is a modern ATC system for broadcast aircraft
position data. Transponders which are connected to a GPS system transmit her own position and other
flight data, like call sign, Mode-S address, speed and altitude as well as track and vertical speed. The
transponder transmits these data periodically – typically once per second – like a radio station
TRX-2000 contains a sensitive 1090 MHz receivers with complex signal processing unit. Transponder
signals broadcasted by other aircraft are received, processed and decoded.
Data from a connected or integral FLARM® will be extended by the data received from the TRX-2000
ADS-B receiver and indicated on the system LCD display.
To enhance display capability, traffic data will be provided via two interfaces for connecting external
display devices. GPS data are provided on a dedicated port.
The presence of transponder equipped aircraft not broadcasting ADS-B output will be detected and
indicated on the system display as a non directed target.
It is not essential to connect the TRX-1090 to a transponder. The system comes with its own 1090 Mhz
receiver. To operate a TRX-1090, no transponder installation is required.
The TRX-1090 provides GPS data received from the FLARM via a dedicated port to supply an ADS-B
out capable Mode-S transponder. (e.g. Garrecht Avionic VT-01, VT-02). This device broadcasts the
current position message every secound - the message can be received by ADS-B receivers installed in
other aircraft, as well as with receivers installed on ground.
The schematic below shows the basics of a TRX-1090 installation