Garrecht Avionik GmbH
TRX-2000 ADS-B Traffic Monitor
User Manual
Revision: 1.0b
19 DEC 2011
Many thanks for purchasing the TRX-2000 traffic monitor.
The TRX-2000 is a panel mounted system combining a high performance ADS-B receiver and a color
LCD for displaying the traffic situation. It has been designed either to be connected to an external
FLARM(R) or comes with an integral FLARM(R) module. The system provides interfaces for connecting
two external Displays (CDTI) and a GPS interface to be connected to a Mode-S transponder (i.e.
Garrecht Avionik VT-01, VT-02, VT-2000) with ADS-B out capability.
To avoid malfunction, reading and understanding of all chapters of this manual is required.
Limitations of the system are described in the chapter „System Limitations”
A detailed data port specification is described in the “TRX Data Port Specifications” manual, which is
available on request from the manufacturer.
New releases of manuals or firmware udpates are published on the manufacturers website
Your feedback or suggestions for improving the system are welcome. Please contact us via email:
This manual provides all information, that is required for proper installation and safe operation.
For more information and addtional support, please contact your TRX-2000 dealer. ´
To avoid damage, please do not open the system housing.
The following symbols and terms are used in this manual:
Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could result in
injury or loss of life
Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could result in
damage of this product or other property.
Important note:
Indicates important or usefull information. It is strongly recommended to
read, understand and follow the statement.