Garrecht Avionik GmbH
TRX-2000 ADS-B Traffic Monitor
User Manual
Revision: 1.0b
19 DEC 2011
7. Check list installation and konfiguration
TRX-2000 manual read and unterstood completely.
TRX-2000 configured (i.e. protection volume, port configuration)
24 Bit Mode-S aircraft adress entered in the TRX-2000 aircraft (only required, if the aircraft is
Mode-S equipped)
Device installed in suitable position.
Connection to external displays established and tested
All antennas installed in accordance with the instructions of the manual and connected to the
Shortbreaker installed
All cables placed in right position. Cables overlengths tied in 8-shape loops, not in ring loops.
Final test of complete system
Emergency canopy release tested. and not impaired by installation
Check all items of the checklist shown below in order to verify your