Associating the Camera to a Video
Source............................................. 143
Video Camera Movement Control. 143
Controlling Video Cameras Using
On-Screen Controls..................... 143
Controlling a Video Camera Using
Gestures...................................... 144
Configuring the Video Appearance... 144
Garmin VIRB® Action Cameras......... 144
Camera............................................ 144
Connecting a VIRB Action Camera 145
Controlling the VIRB Action Camera
with the Chartplotter....................... 145
Controlling the VIRB Action Camera
Video Playback............................145
Deleting a VIRB Video................. 146
Starting a VIRB Video
Controls to Other Screens.............. 147
HDMI Video Considerations.............. 148
Controlling HDMI Audio..................... 149
Pairing the GC™ 100 Camera with a
Garmin Chartplotter............................ 149
Surround View Camera System.... 150
Layout.................................................. 151
Showing and Hiding the Visual
Bumper................................................ 151
Adjusting the Visual Bumper..........151
Showing the Distance Marker............ 151
Renaming a Camera........................... 151
Device Configuration.................... 152
System Settings.................................. 152
Sounds and Display Settings......... 152
Audio Settings............................. 152
Viewing the Event Log................ 153
Viewing E-label Regulatory and
Compliance Information................ 153
Preferences Settings.......................... 154
Units Settings.................................. 154
Navigation Settings........................ 154
Adjusting the Distance from
Shore............................................ 156
Communications Settings................. 157
NMEA 0183 Settings...................... 157
Sentences.................................... 157
Setting the Communication Format
for Each NMEA 0183 Port.......... 157
NMEA 2000 Settings...................... 157
Naming Devices and Sensors on the
Network....................................... 157
Marine Network.............................. 158
Setting Alarms.................................... 158
Navigation Alarms.......................... 158
Setting the Anchor Drag Alarm.. 158
System Alarms................................ 158
Sonar Alarms.................................. 159
Setting Weather Alarms................. 159
Setting the Fuel Alarm.................... 159
My Vessel Settings............................. 160
Setting the Keel Offset................... 161
Setting the Water Temperature
Offset............................................... 162
Calibrating a Water-Speed Device. 162
Other Vessels Settings....................... 162
Settings that are Synced on the Garmin
Marine Network.................................. 163
Restoring the Original Chartplotter
Factory Settings..................................164
Sharing and Managing User Data..164
Selecting a File Type for Third-Party
Waypoints and Routes....................... 164
Copying User Data from a Memory
Card..................................................... 164
Copying User Data to a Memory
Card..................................................... 165
Updating Built-In Maps with a Memory
Card and Garmin Express.................. 165
Backing Up Data to a Computer........ 165
Table of Contents