You may recall from Section 2.6 that
some messages will remain on the
Message Page after being viewed.
When this occurs, the “MSG”
annunciator remains on (but does not
flash) in the lower left corner. To view
these messages, select “Messages”
from the Auxiliary Page. (See
Appendix A for a description of
available messages.)
The GPS 95 provides density altitude,
true airspeed (TAS) and winds aloft
calculators for your convenience. The
density altitude and TAS calculations
will help you determine critical aircraft
performance data.
To calculate density altitude and true airspeed...
· Place the cursor on the indicated altitude (IAlt) field.
· Enter the indicated altitude from your altimeter and press ENT.
· Enter your calibrated airspeed (CAS) and press ENT. If you do not
know your calibrated airspeed, use indicated airspeed instead.
· Enter your current altimeter setting and press ENT.
· Enter the total air temperature (TAT). The GPS 95 will display the
resulting density altitude and true airspeed. (NOTE: TAT is the
temperature of the air including the heating effect caused by speed.
The temperature read on a standard outside air temperature gauge
found in most piston aircraft is TAT.)
The winds aloft calculation determines the direction (true) and speed of the
wind. This calculation requires TAS and heading information. If you have
already calculated density altitude and TAS, the TAS value will be used for
the winds aloft calculation; otherwise you may enter the correct TAS value.