· From the starting location, press AUTOSTO to capture the position.
(NOTE: The unit must me in 2D or 3D navigation mode when capturing
your starting position. If the unit is still acquiring satellites, and you
press AUTOSTO, the last known position will be captured and saved.)
· If you wish to assign a different identifier to the waypoint: move the
cursor to the waypoint name field, enter the name of your choice and
press ENT. If you enter a waypoint name already used, you will be
informed with the message, “WPT Exists _____” (where the blank will
be filled in with the waypoint identifier). Enter a different identifier if this
· Select a route to store the waypoint in by highlighting the route storage
number field and pressing CLR until the desired route number is
displayed. If the selected route is not empty, the Autostore
will be added to the end of the existing route. (HINT: Although the route
storage number field is a cyclic field, to speed selection you may also
enter the desired route number using the alphanumeric keys.)
· Press ENT to add the waypoint to the selected route.
· Repeat these steps each time you arrive at a location you wish to add
to the route, up to a total of 30 waypoints per route.