Part # 19009086 (01/31/08)
Page 9
D. Do not salt or otherwise season food over the fryer.
This practice contaminates the frying compound and
accelerates its deterioration.
E. Do not shake breaded items over the fryer.
F. Keep the fry tank covered when not in use. This will
prevent air from oxidizing the frying compound and will
keep impurities out.
Do not overheat the frying compound. Follow the
temperature recommended in tested recipes. The company
which provides your frying compound can provide tested
recipes and techniques for use with their shortening.
Watch for the signs of shortening break down. An unusual
darkening of the shortening or smoking are the first signs of
break down. Foaming, objectionable change in flavor of the
product and fuming also indicate a break down of the frying
Set the thermostat at 200 degrees or lower when not frying.
Darkened frying compound and incorrect baser or breading
can cause a fried product to appear to be done. Use a tested
recipe or obtain batter or breading specially prepared for
This booklet provides many basic tips in operating and
cleaning your GARLAND Fryer. Your supplier of frying
compound can provide additional assistance and
information concerning the use of their products on your
Fry Tank
In order to clean the fryer tank, you must first remove the
frying compound. As in the section “Preparation Before First
Use”, remove the fryer baskets and automatic basket holders
(if applicable) and set the circuit breaker and toggle switch to
the “OFF” position.
If you have the fryer tank with the optional drain valve and
the frying compound is in a fluid state, you need merely
place a vessel of the proper size in the compartment beneath
the drain valve and open the valve. When the fryer tank has
been emptied, close the drain valve and remove the vessel.
If the frying compound has solidified, it will be necessary
to melt it until it becomes fluid enough to flow through the
drain valve. Care should be taken when the vessel of warm,
melted shortening is removed from the compartment. Filer
the shortening and hold it in a covered vessel if it is to be
used again.
If your fryer tank does not have the optional drain valve, it
will be necessary to dip the liquid shortening or scoop the
solid shortening from the fryer tank.
In either of the above procedures, the heating elements
should be raised to permit and fluid shortening to drain from
the elements back into the fryer tank.
Refer to the first section to remove the tank. If the heating
elements have been turned on, make sure that they are cool
before attempting to remove the tank.
Use some of the fluid shortening to flush the crumbs and
residue from the tank. Discard this shortening.
Wash the tank with soap detergent or one of the special fryer
tank cleaning agents available. If the latter is used, carefully
follow the instructions provided with that product.
Remove stubborn stains or carbon deposits, using a stiff
nylon brush or wooden spatula. Remove all traces of
cleaning compound by carefully rinsing with hot water or
neutralizer, if required. Dry tank completely. Remember,
moisture accelerates the breakdown of frying compound.
Before replacing the tank, clean the fryer top with soap or
detergent solution on a sponge. Rinse the top with a sponge
soaked in clean hot water. Dry hot water. Replace the tank.