With the dialler not in programming mode one of the following
displays will be showing:-
Flashing 'oF'
The dialler is Off and cannot be turned On because it does not
have the minimum requirement of at least one message and
one telephone number programmed.
Static 'oF'
The dialler is turned OFF. To turn the dialler ON enter the user
code (5678 default) followed by NO.
The display will show:-
Static 'on'
The dialler is turned ON and will dial when triggered. To turn the
dialler OFF enter the user code (5678 default) followed by NO.
The display will show:-
Calls from the dialler may be aborted if they have been triggered accidentally.
To abort a call enter the code (factory default 5678).
Provided the dialler has not started to play the speech message
the display will show:-
For three seconds
If this display does not show then either
The dialler was not triggered
If the dialler had already started to pass the message
the display will show:-
as the code is entered
If the dialler has already passed the message you should check the
Last Call Log (refer to section 7.6).
PR4100Rev1.7 SD.QXD 07/03/01 16:22 Page 27