OC-G-5646-2-ET OLED Lighting Controllers - User Manual
General description
The OC-G-5646-2-ET OLED contr oller pr ovides r epeatable intensity
contr ol of OLED lighting for m achine vision applications. This includes
the intensity contr ol, and tr igger ing functions r equir ed for those
system s.
OLED lighting needs a constant cur r ent supply as sm all var iations in
voltage can cause lar ge var iations in light output. The OC-G-5646-2-ET
contr oller can set cur r ents in steps of 0.1% (with a lower lim it of 0.1m A
steps) to give ver y fine contr ol of intensity.
Sever al m odes of oper ation ar e separ ately available for each channel:
Cont inuous
In continuous m ode the output is a continuous br ightness.
Pulse (St robe)
In pulse m ode output is pulsed once per tr igger . One tr igger input is
used as a tr igger . The delay fr om tr igger to pulse, the pulse dur ation
and the br ightness can be set.
Swit ched
In switched m ode a tr igger input is used to switch the output cur r ent
on and off. The output is only enabled when the tr igger input has a
voltage on it.
Light auto- sensing
When a channel does not have a light connected, the OC-G-5646-2-ET
continually tr ies to supply a ver y sm all cur r ent.
When a light is connected, it flashes for a shor t tim e (the light is not
dam aged by this) until the OC-G-5646-2-ET detects that it is
connected. When the OLED is connected, the following infor m ation is
m ade available to the contr oller :
The OLED's lifetim e status,
The total light 'on' tim e,
The OLED's cur r ent r ating, and
The OLED's voltage r ating.
You can set a lighting char acter isation lim it which specifies the
m axim um br ightness that is likely to be configur ed for the channel
specified. It is not essential to set this value and it can be left at 200.
When a light is detected, the char acter istics of the light ar e m easur ed
up to the char acter isation lim it br ightness. The advantage is that