OC-G-5646-2-ET OLED Lighting Controllers - User Manual
configur ation changes ar e faster . The featur e can be tur ned off (see
Section 10, Com m and configur ation
Output modes and triggers
The tr igger inputs ar e used as descr ibed below:
Not e:
The P flag inver ts the sense of the tr igger input, see
M ode
Trigger input
Output is on
Tr igger = off
Tr igger = on
Output is off
Output is on
Tr igger r ising
Tr igger falling
Pulse is tr igger ed if P flag = 1
Pulse is tr igger ed if P flag = 0
In continuous m ode the output cur r ent is fixed and continuous.
Switched m ode uses a tr igger input to switch the output on or off.
The output cur r ent can be var ied fr om 0% to 100% of full br ightness.
Pulsed output
The output is off by default. When the OC-G-5646-2-ET is tr igger ed, it
waits for a delay and then pulses the output. The delay, pulse width,
r etr igger delay and pulse intensity ar e all configur able.
Retr igger delay is the m inim um allowed tim e fr om one tr igger to the
next. Any tr igger s that happen too soon after the pr evious tr igger ar e
ignor ed. The r etr igger delay is set in m ultiples of 100
When connected to an OLED, the contr oller will oper ate accor ding to
the lim its pr ovided autom atically by the light. If any of the lim its
pr ovided by the light ar e m or e dem anding than the table above, then
those lim its will be over r idden by the lim its in the table.
The duty cycle is lim ited by ignor ing tr igger s which ar e too soon after
the pr evious tr igger .
The OC-G-5646-2-ET r eads the over dr ive par am eter s fr om the OLED
and adjusts the pulse length accor ding to those par am eter s.
OLED Status
When the OC-G-5646-2-ET is connected to an OLED, infor m ation about
the light and its set up par am eter s ar e r ead by the contr oller . The