Analog output
Total of four analog outputs on connector J104:
Analog output 1 (J104, pin 30)
Analog output 2 (J104, pin 32)
Analog output 3 (J104, pin 34)
Analog output 4 (J104, pin 36)
By default, all analog outputs are turned off (function set to off).
Analog output signal range 0 - 10 V.
Available functions:
Pressure, logarithmic
Current, logarithmic
Current, 1 V / 1 nA
Current, 1 V / 10 nA
Current, 1 V / 100 nA
Current, 1 V / 1 uA
Current, 1 V / 10 uA
Current, 1 V / 100 uA
Current, 1 V / 1 mA
Current, 1 V / 10 mA
Current, 1 V / 50 mA
Voltage, 1 V / 1 kV
Supply Source - Selects supply driving analog output.
Options applicable to ‘Pressure, logarithmic’ and ‘Current,
logarithmic’ functions:
Offset: Valid range from - 15 to + 15
Output State: Normal vs. Inverted.
Logarithmic current example:
Current = 2 x 10
(20 nA), Offset = 8, Output state = Normal
Step 1: Calculate the log of the current (Log (2 x 10
) = - 7.7)
Step 2: If ‘Output state = Inverted’ multiply current log value in step 1 by (-1)
Step 3: Add the offset value (-7.7 + 8 = 0.3 V)
The analog output pin will read 0.3 V.
Logarithmic pressure example:
Pressure = 1 x 10
torr, Offset = 11, Output state = Normal
Step 1: Calculate log of pressure (Log (1 x 10
) = - 9)
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