Galvanic Applied Sciences USA, Inc.
101 Billerica Ave, Bldg. 5, Suite 104.
North Billerica, MA. 01862
Tel: 978-848-2701
Fax: 978-848-2713
Email: [email protected]
Please inspect the instrument immediately after receiving for potential shipping damages.
If the instrument has already been unpacked for inspection or testing, or if the instrument has been
removed from the process and it is not to be installed or reinstalled for more than 1 day, the following
procedure should be observed:
If the instrument has been in service, the wetted portion should be thoroughly cleaned (typically
with clean water) and than thoroughly dried.
The instrument should be placed in the original packing material.
In case the original packing material is not available place the instrument in a sealed heavy plastic
bag with a desiccant added to assure clean dry storage.
The instrument should then be stored in a protected area until time of installation.
Transport damage
Please inspect the instrument immediately after receiving for potential shipping damages.
For any claims to the transportation insurance or warranty repair, it is absolutely required to notify
transportation damages immediately after receiving the instrument. In case of obvious damages of the
outer packaging, the carrier must give a receipt for this damage to make demands for the insurance.
In case of a delayed announcement the insurance will not pay for damages and Galvanic Applied
Sciences will not assume liability for these damages.
Shipment of the instrument
Please clean the instrument carefully before shipment (e.g. for revision / repair). Please use fixed
packaging to protect the instrument against any shipping damages.
If at all possible the original packaging should be used.