P a g e
Step 2e: Install QuickStart® Peel & Stick Starter Roll along the Eave and over the Rakes...
Install the
QuickStart® Peel & Stick Starter Roll, initially along the eave, and then proceed to install it
over the rakes, covering the drip edges of the roof (Figure 28). Staple or nail it as necessary.
If the installer is using Pro-Start® Starter Strip Shingle and roofing cement, apply ONLY a thin
uniform layer of asphalt plastic cement less than 1/8" (3 mm) thick. Excess amounts can cause
blistering of the shingles and may soften the asphalt in underlayments and leak barriers,
resulting in asphalt dripping and staining.
Step 2f: Install Initial Rows of Shingles up to Proposed Location of the Starter Bars...
From the solar
design drawings, locate and mark the lower-left corner of the proposed solar array (also called
the starting point). The starting point must always land on the headlap area of the shingle.
Determine the number of rows of shingles required to be installed from the eave, up to the
starting point. In this example shown below, 4 rows of shingles were required to be installed
(Figure 29).
Figure 27: Install the Drip Edge along the Rake
Figure 28: Install the QuickS tart
Peel & S tick S tarter Roll
Figure 29: Install initial few rows of S hingles
Drip Edge
along the