abnormality with the movement parts. in case of problems found. timely fastening and
maintenance are needed. Meanwhile. the screws of the machine should be tightened one by ane
with tool after a certain period of use. The first fixation should be performed roughly one month
later after using.
4.2 Electric maintenance
Electric maintenance mainly includes the maintenance for electric parts. sensor. operation
buttons and working indicator of the machine.
4.2.1 Limit switch
Minimum once a month to make check on the effectiveness of limit switch of the X-axis and
Y-axis. The limit switch plays the role of restraining the limit position of the movement to avoid
machine impact (overreaching) causing damage to the machine. it is a must to make regular
on working state following the steps below:
1.Start up the machine to have the laser head reset;
2.Operate the machine to make the movement shaft move to the limit positions. if the
movement shaft stops at the limit position. it means a normal operation of the limit switch. if it
keeps moving while reaching the limit position. it means that the limit switch is out of order.
in case of hard impact occurs. please immediate~press the emergency stop button to
stop the machine. and find a solution for it.
4.2.2 Maintenance of each button and indicators
After disconnecting the related electric parts, test button contact points with a millimeter to
check they are normal in operation.
Purposely trigger all working modes and alarm state to check if warning indicators and signal
indicators are normal.
4.3 Light route maintenance
Light route system of the laser engraving machine is completed by reflector together with
focus of the focusing lens. The focusing lens is free of the problem of deviation in light route.
However. three reflectors are fixed by mechanical parts with large possibility of deviation.
Although deviation is not frequently caused. users are recommended to have a check on the light
route before working each time.
Although the optical lenses in C02laser system are easily worn products. we still wish you
try to use it less as possible to prolong lifespan of the laser device and lower cost of using lens.
During replacement. pay attention to placing. testing. installing the optical lens to keep it
of damage and pollution. After installing a new lens. regular cleaning is needed. This is very
simple. Proper operation will prolong lifespan of the lens and lower cost Otherwise, the lifespan
will be shortened.
During laser working. it is inevitable to prevent the optical parts from contacting the
suspended particles. When cutting the materials. engraving and marking with laser. processing
surface will release plenty of gas and flying objects The gas and flying objects may cause harm
the lens. When dirt falls on surface of the lens. it will absorb energy from the laser beam
causing thermal-lens effect. in case of no thermal stress formed on the lens, the operator may
take it down and dean it. Of course. a certain method capable of avoiding damage and further
pollution should be applied