Fig.3-24 illustration of control panel Resolution setup
Movement accuracy is decided by movement resolution, and the precision of movement as
For the controller MPC6525, unit of the resolution is micron
(μm) or dpi
(legible points per inch in length). The control system takes pulse to indicate length. Physical
length represented by each pulse is called as resolution, e.g. the resolution for a certain shaft is
0.00625itm {4064dpi), meaning that as long as the control system sends one pulse. the shaft will
go forward 0.00625μm.
For No.3 and No.4 controller, In the setting of movement shaft parameters, "pulse equivalent'
indicates resolution. Unit of pulse equivalent is pulse/mm. meaning that each millimeter forward
of the shaft,the pulse required for the control system to send is just in reciprocal relation with
'resolution". For example, if resolution is 0.00625μm (4064dpi), he result converted into pulse
equivalent is: y0.00625 =160(pulse/mm). On the contrary, suppose pulse equivalent of a certain
shaft is 100 pulse/ mm, the resolution converted is: 1/100 =0.01(μm)
The following an interface for setting related parameters of laser cut 5.3 controller
Tips: Please refer to operation instructing for control system of each controller for moe controller for
more details concerning the operation of the control panel.
Attention: At ex factory, calculation of resolution or pulse equivalent has already been
made. Unauthorized change of parameters by user before making dear its meaning
is prohibited. Otherwise, improper location of shaft movement or wrong size of
processing figure may possibly be caused