Copyright Statement
Weike Science & Technology Co.,Ltd
All rights reserved.
G.Weike Science&Technology Co.,Ltd(hereafter referred to G.weike) reserves the right to
modify the products and product specifications described in this manual without advance notice.
G.Weike is not responsible to any direct, indirect, or consequential damage or liability
caused by improper use of this manual or the product.
G.Weike owns the patent, copyright or any other intellectual property right of this product
and the related software. No one shall duplicate, reproduce, process or use this product and its
parts, unless authorized by our company.
All the name refered in this manual only for identification, if belongs to other company's
registered trademark or copyright, proprietary rights of the name belongs to their respective
Disclaimer and Responsibility Statement
Whole using the machine from our company, users are required to ensure integrity and
independence of the product including but not limited to: mechanical, electrical, optical, control
software and accessories. Unauthorized modification is strictly prohibited it is a must to satisfy
operating environment and operating specifications specified in the owner's manual.
For the followings:
1. Machine modified with no authorization (including but not limited to: add, remove,
modify, unauthorized disassembly, replacing parts);
2. Use the machine in the environment failing to satisfy the operating requirements;
3. Operate disobeying the specifications of our company;
4. Unauthorized use the machine parts, accessories and auxiliaries on to other equipment
or in other places;
5. Viciously disassemble, destroy, decode hardware and software of the equipment from
our company
Our company shall not undertake any direct, indirect or joint responsibility. Our company
reserves the rights to ascertain legal responsibility for the serious consequences or economic
losses or reputation losses caused by what mentioned above.
Thanks for purchasing the laser engraving machine control system of our company.
Before operating, please read this manual carefully to ensure proper operation.
Please keep the manual properly for reference.
Since the configs are different, certain models do not have the functions listed in this
manual. Please refer to the specific functions for details.
Due to the constantly tech update, the specification for reference only, subject to the real
Standard. Tags in this book:
Special Attention: User must follow and perform as the manual; otherwise, it could
lead to errors or relatively serious problem.