Refer to the operation instructions for the related controller for more details about laser
parameters. Wrong laser parameter setting may possibly cause abnormal light emitting or fail of
adjusting laser power. in case of no light emitting under the condition of making sure that laser
parameters are set to correct values. check on hardware is needed. You ma,/ use red 'test" button
on the back of laser power supply from our company to check if laser power supply and laser
are normal as shown in figure 3-16.
In case of no laser emitting. plug out the controller control cable from the laser power supply.
open the laser power supply. and press the light emitting button. if there is laser output from the
glass tube at this time, it means that laser power supply and laser tube are normal in working. At
this time. check on the controller and laser control line is needed. in case of no light emitting.
further check on the laser power supply of the laser tube is needed. Light route adjustment
Due to vibration during transportation. aberrancy of light route ma' possibly be caused. At
this time. light route correction is needed, Light route of LG and LC serial laser equipment is as
shown in the figure below:
The control panel of some types of machine is equipped With ammeter. with the ammeter, you
can check if the power is normal. Theoretically. the maximum power of 80W laser tube is
corresponding to the current roughly 25mA, and the 130W laser tube to 30mA of the current.