Unit channel strobo setup:
By pressing the STROBO button a strobo effect can be launched in automatic mode in the controller. If your
current channel there is of strobo type, it can be set. If you do not want to specify it as strobo press the
DELETE button, then three lines will appear after the active caption on the display. If you want to set up the
strobo set that value with the 7
or 8
potentiometer. (Tip: If it is more important to you to turn in the prisms
by pressing a button then you can give the turning-in value on the prism channel and then the units will not
start to strobo by pressing a button, but their prism will turn in).
By pressing the ENTER button you can move to switching on/off-mode of the glow-lamp.
Unit channel lamp setup:
If you are setting such a channel of your unit, on which the glow-lamp can be switched on or off, these
values can be given with the 7
and 8
potentiometer. If you do not want to give any lamp value, press the
DELETE button.
Press ENTER to advance to the reset function
Unit channel reset setup:
If you are setting such a channel of your unit, which has a reset value, use the 7
and 8
Consequently, simply a reset command can be given to the units with the reset function in automatic mode.
If you do not want to give any reset value, press DELETE. Press ENTER to advance to the type setup.
Setup of unit channel types:
Here the channels can be divided to different domains. The channels can be traced exactly on the display
which effects appear on them. Give the name of the first type, then its maximum value with the 31
or 32
potentiometer, then press ENTER and you can set the name of the next type. In case of a unit a maximum of
128 type scales can be set but it is probably enough for the unit with all the channels. In case of the last type
the maximum value, that is value of 225 has to be set within a channel! There is another option as well; the
percentage indication. If it is about a continuously controlled channel, e.g. dimmer, focus, then you can set
the channel to indicate the percentage, then in manual mode its value appears in percent. This can be
switched on and off by pressing the GROUP1 button.
If you have set the assignment of the channel type, press ENTER. The controller is restored to the NAME
parameter, and a colon will be flashing in front of the channel number. The setup of a channel is completed
this way.
A new channel can be added by pressing the NEW button, then the controller automatically skips to name
edition and this channel can be set as well as described above. You can go up to 16 channels, the controller
is able to control as many within one unit. It is possible to delete a channel with the restriction that always the
last channel can be deleted with the DELETE button.
You can log off from the unit construction by pressing the ESC button repeatedly. The controller asks for the
confirmation to save the modification.