Disposal of device and its parts
(ecological disposal of device)
After final shutdown of the device (when its lifetime ends), please mind environmental
protection and recycling possibilities (generally):
Drain contained liquids into dedicated containers – such liquids like motor oil ,
transmission oil, cooling and cleaning liquids, and send them to specialized facilities
Dispose of toxic waste (e.g. batteries, electronics), according to regulations separate
plastic materials and offer them for recycling
Separate metal parts according to kind for scrapping
It is obligatory that owner of device follows waste law while removal (disposal) of
waste in manner of healthy life conditions preservation and environment protection.
It is therefore necessary that created waste is offered to operators of facilities
dedicated to waste disposal, especially metals, oil, lubricants, plastics etc.
Used icons and its meaning
(residual risks management)
Information about other risks, which remain despite of undertaken modeling safety
measures, protection measures and additional protection measures.
Residual risks are mentioned via safety icons on device and cautions in the user’s manual
• Operating staff is obliged to read up the user’s manual.
• Operating staff is obliged to disconnect the device from any kind of energy while performing adjustments,
maintenance and repairs.
• Beware of hot surfaces.