TETRA emergency calls (TMO emergency calls)
TETRA emergency calls (TMO emergency calls)
A group call, half-duplex call or a full duplex call with emergency priority can be initi-
ated by triggering a TETRA emergency call (TMO alarm voice connection). Use this
function only when you are in an emergency situation.
Special features
A TETRA emergency call
‹Alarm› (2)
is only possible when the radio set has not
logged in to the personal emergency signal system.
As long as the radio set is logged in to the personal emergency signal control centre,
triggering the emergency call
‹Alarm› (2)
will generate a "personal alarm" and trans-
mit it to the personal emergency signal control centre.
During an active TETRA emergency call connection, the radio set works with the fol-
lowing restrictions:
The scan function is switched off. Group monitoring is not carried out.
Individual calls cannot be received.
Group calls cannot be received.
The radio set is switched on.
The alarm voice connection and its call type and target number are set. The
“Group Call” type of call is shown here as an example.
Perform the following steps:
Long press the
‹Alarm› (2) button
The FT4 is shown here