Design and function
Your radio set makes numerous functions available to you in the menu:
The menu is shown in the display when the
‹right menu key› (8)
is pressed, start-
ing from the idle display. Deactivated menus are greyed out.
Depending on the features of your radio set, only some of the functions and
options will be available to you. If necessary, consult your specialist dealer.
Many functions of your radio set can be configured with the aid of the “TETRA
Configurator” tool and can be activated or deactivated.
The following descriptions clarify the the structure of the main menu with all subor-
dinate menu items and functions of TETRA radio sets of the FT4/FT5 Series.
The family of FT4/FT5 TETRA radio sets is available in many versions. The menu is
displayed in various ways in accordance with the range of functions of the versions.
The menu items shown in each case, together with the functions and operating
options available for selection, are determined by the particular features and the
parameters that have been specified for the radio set.
If functions are missing from the menu, or if they cannot be selected, activated or de-
activated, despite the radio set being of the appropriate type and having the required
features, they may be disabled in the configuration. In this case, consult your system