Fulton Ltd
Page 6
All connections for services are mounted at the rear of the boiler.
For connection sizes, refer to
Appendix A - TI-115-EP-18-72 Dimensions & Specification
Feedwater Inlet (Solenoid valve)
It is advisable to fit a stop valve as close as possible to this connection point. Local Water
Authority bylaws may require the fitting of a break (interpose) tank between the mains water
supply and the cold water inlet connection on the boiler.
Safety valve Discharge
The outlet from this valve should be piped to a safe discharge point and the piping should be
so arranged that condensate trapped in the discharge pipe is drained away from the valve.
Steam Outlet valve
Boiler Blowdown valve
Connection must be made from the Blowdown valve to a blowdown receptacle of approved
design. Regulations exist covering such items and care must be taken to ensure compliance with
these regulations. If in any doubt regarding blowdown arrangements consult Fulton Ltd.
Water Sample Outlet
If the water sample outlet is used, the valve should be fitted as close as possible to the boiler.
Chemical Dosing Inlet point (inside the cabinet on all models)
Combined Overflow and Vent (Heated Tanks Only)
Condensate Return
Feedwater Tank vent
This should be piped to a safe discharge point to avoid any possibility of condensation problems.
Feedwater Tank Overflow
The overflow should be piped to a suitable drainage point.
Feedwater Tank Drain
Unless otherwise specified the steam safety valve supplied with the boiler is pre-set at 162 p.s.i.g.
(11.2 bar). This valve is provided as a safety device for the boiler and should not be used as the sole
protection for other equipment using steam from the boiler.