XG2000 series User's Guide
All Rights Reserved, Copyright (C) PFU LIMITED 2009
4.10 Network Management
4.10.1 Traffic Statistics
The device can display traffic statistics to analyze network operations such as traffic bytes, errors, etc.
The following are the Traffic Statistics the device provides.
Displays traffic information on outgoing and incoming frames for each port.
Displays traffic information on incoming frames by frame size range for each port.
Displays traffic information on incoming frames for each VLAN.
Displays incoming traffic information by QoS priority for each port.
Displays information related to data flow for each port.
Displays information about errors that occur during transmission/reception for each port.
To display traffic statistics, monitor and show commands are provided.
Displays real-time traffic statistics.
Outputs details of the current accumulated traffic statistics.
Enter this command followed by "> FILE_NAME" or "| redirect FILE_NAME" to output the results
to a file in volatile memory.
To display traffic statistics, run the following commands in the operator EXEC mode or in the administrator EXEC mode.
xg> monitor traffic-counts
{ current | total } [interval <3-60>]
xg> monitor traffic-bytes
{ current | total } [interval <3-60>]
xg> show statistics traffic-counts
xg> show statistics traffic-bytes
View incoming and outgoing traffic statistics (number of
frames and number of bytes) for each port.
xg> monitor framesize-traffic-counts
{ current | total } [interval <3-60>]
xg> show statistics framesize-traffic-counts
View traffic statistics (number of frames) by frame size range
for each port.
xg> monitor vlan-traffic-counts
{ current | total } [interval <3-60>]
xg> monitor vlan-traffic-bytes
{ current | total } [interval <3-60>]
xg> show statistics vlan-traffic-counts
xg> show statistics vlan-traffic-bytes
View traffic statistics (number of frames and number of bytes)
on incoming frames for each VLAN.
xg> monitor qos-priority-traffic-counts
{ current | total } [interval <3-60>]
xg> monitor qos-priority-traffic-bytes
{ current | total } [interval <3-60>]
xg> show statistics
xg> show statistics
View incoming traffic statistics (number of frames and number
of bytes) by QoS priority for each port.
xg> monitor dataflow
{ current | total } [interval <3-60>]
xg> show statistics dataflow
View traffic statistics (number of frames) related to data flow
during frame forwarding for each port.
xg> monitor error
{ current | total } [interval <3-60>]
xg> show statistics error
View information about errors that occur during
transmission/reception for each port.
xg> enable
xg# clear statistics
Clear cumulative traffic statistics collected after system