XG2000 series User's Guide
All Rights Reserved, Copyright (C) PFU LIMITED 2009
% tftp: server says: %1$
An error was received from the TFTP server.
[[Inserted string]]%1$: content of error message received from the TFTP server.
The content of message depends on the type of TFTP server. For example:
File not found: There are no files on the TFTP server.
Access violation: File permission error occurred on the TFTP server.
Not allowed to overwrite existing files: The file in the TFTP server cannot be overwritten.
Could not open requested file for reading: There are no files in the TFTP server.
File already exists: There are files in the TFTP server.
Unknown transfer ID: Process will be aborted in time out.
Take actions in accordance with the message received from the TFTP server.
% tftp: write: No space left on device
There is no free space for files to use as a work area on the device. Partial copies
of the files being imported may remain in the device.
Delete the files on the device being processed for import, and unnecessary files using
the "delete" command, and execute the command again.
% tftp: last timeout
There is no response from the TFTP server. There is a possibility of network communication
error with the management LAN, or the setting of time out of the TFTP server may be too
Check the network connection to the TFTP server using the "ping" command. If the problem
persists, review the time out setting of the TFTP server.
% Invalid IP-address.
The specified format of the IP address or specified content is incorrect.
Specify the IP address in a correct format and execute the command again.
% Cannot find %1$
An incorrect host name was specified.
[[Inserted string]]%1$: Specified host name.
.Specify the correct host name, or specify the IP address.
% The length of user name is invalid.
The length of the username is invalid.
Specify the username 16 or less characters.
No more remote host public key can be registered.
Specified remote host public key could not be registered.
Delete a public key by using "clear ssh-rhost key" command, then execute the command
scp: %1$: No such file or directory
Specified file does not exist.
[[Inserted string]]%1$: Specified file name.
Specify the correct file name.
scp: %1$: Permission denied
There was no access permission to the SSH server.
[[Inserted string]]%1$: Specified file name.
Check the access permission to the SSH server.
%1$: No space left on device
This device does not have enough space to copy the file. Incomplete copied file may remain
on the device.
[[Inserted string]]%1$: Specified file name.
Delete incomplete copied file and unnecessary files by using "delete" command, then
execute the command again.
ssh: connect to host %1$ port 22: No route to host
It failed to access to specified SSH server.
[[Inserted string]]%1$: Specified IP address or host name.
Specify the correct IP address or host name.
Check the setting and status of SSH server and whether there is no problem in network
connection to the SSH server.