XG2000 series User's Guide
All Rights Reserved, Copyright (C) PFU LIMITED 2009
% Vlan id is not found. vid=%1$
The specified VLAN is not created.
[[Inserted string]]%1$: VLAN ID
Review the vlan specified then execute the command again.
% Port is not vlan member. port %1$ vid=%2$
The port is not a member of the specified VLAN.
[[Inserted string]]%1$: port number
[[Inserted string]]%2$: VLAN ID
Assign the specified port to the intended vlan then execute the command again.
% Aggregation port is not vlan member. agg-port %1$ vid=%2$
The specified aggregation group is not a VLAN member.
[[Inserted string]]%1$: port number
[[Inserted string]]%2$: VLAN ID
Assign the specified aggregation group to the intended vlan then execute the command
% Can't set mac-address-table. %1$ vid=%2$
The maximum number of table entries was exceeded.
[[Inserted string]]%1$: specified port number
[[Inserted string]]%2$: VLAN ID
After deleting unnecessary MAC addresses, execute the command again.
% In case of a unicast address, can set only one port.
For a unicast MAC address, only one port can be specified.
After the specified port information then execute the command again.
% port is a member of aggregation group. port %1$
A port with link aggregation membership cannot be specified.
[[Inserted string]]%1$: port number
Specify an aggregation group then execute the command again.
% Aggregation port is not found. agg-port %1$
The specified aggregation group does not exist.
[[Inserted string]]%1$: specified aggregation group number
Review the specified aggregation group number then execute the command again.
% MAC address is reserved by IEEE802.1D %s.
MAC addresses reserved under the IEEE802.1D cannot be specified.
[[Inserted string]]%1$: MAC address
Review the specified MAC address.
% Can't remove mac-address from static forwarding-table.
The specified MAC address cannot be deleted.
Review the specified VLAN or MAC address.
The maximum number of unicast MAC addresses or multicast MAC addresses that can be statically registered to the
device are 128 addresses for each types of address. Additionally, since MAC addresses are managed with a hash
table, a message saying an address cannot be registered may be displayed before reaching the maximum number.
If there is possibility that a multicast group might be received, do not register statically.
The following example shows how to add a static MAC address 0001.2300.4567.
xg(config)# bridge mac-address-table static 0001.2300.4567 port 2
Register a static MAC address c1b1.123a.4321 belonging to VLAN3. When a frame with this MAC address as its destination is
received from VLAN3, it will be forwarded to the specified port.
xg(config)# bridge mac-address-table static c1b1.123a.4321 vlan 3 port 4
All registered MAC address information can be checked using the show mac address-table command. Combine with the "|
include" command, information for a specific MAC address can be output.
xg# show bridge mac-address-table static
Static Mac-address Table
Mac-address Vlan-id Destination-port
-------------- --------- -------------------------------------
0001.123a.4321 vlan-1 port 2
0002.123a.4321 vlan-1 port 4
0100.5e00.1001 vlan-1 port 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ffff.ffff.ffff vlan-1 port 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0003.123a.4321 vlan-2 port 4
ffff.ffff.ffff vlan-2 port 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
xg# show bridge mac-address-table static | include 0001.123a.4321
0001.123a.4321 vlan-1 port 2