XG2000 series User's Guide
All Rights Reserved, Copyright (C) PFU LIMITED 2009
3.1.2 Configure Management LAN Interface
The management LAN interface is initially enabled.
(IP address:, subnet address:
To use the following functions, configure the management LAN interface.
Telnet connection (enabled by default)
SSH connection (disabled by default)
System log transmission
Time synchronization using an NTP server
Configuration file upload/download
Collection of maintenance information
To configure the management LAN interface, carry out the following procedure.
xg login: admin
Password: ********
Login to the device from the serial terminal. The default
user name is "admin". The default password is "password."
xg> enable
Switch to administrator EXEC mode.
xg# configure terminal
Switch to global configuration mode.
xg(config)# management-lan ip A.B.C.D/M
[ default-gw A.B.C.D]
Change the IP address and subnet, and set the default
gateway of the management LAN interface.
xg(config)# management-lan dns-server A.B.C.D
Set up DNS servers. Up to 4 DNS servers can be set up.
Priority is assigned to DNS servers in the order they are
defined. To change their order, delete them using the no
command before doing so.
xg(config)# management-lan domain DOMAIN-NAME
Set the name of the network domain.
xg(config)# remote-host A.B.C.D HOST-NAME
Associate a remote host name with an IP address.
This allows referencing a remote IP address with a host
name without relying on a DNS server.
xg(config)# exit
Exit to administrator EXEC mode.
3.1.3 Telnet Connection via the Management LAN Interface (Optional)
The "Telnet server function" via the management LAN interface is initially disabled.
To change the monitoring time for the telnet connection, carry out the following procedure in the administrator EXEC mode.
xg# configure terminal
Switch to global configuration mode.
xg(config)# telnet-server
Enable Telnet connection,
xg(config)# terminal timeout vty <0-60>
If the Telnet session timeout period (in minutes) expires the
telnet connection is terminated.
xg(config)# exit
Exit to administrator EXEC mode.