Chapter 7 Changing the Multipath Configuration (FC/FCoE Connection for RHEL6, RHEL7, or SLES11)
7.2 Storage System Reduction
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS Multipath Driver V2 User’s Guide for Linux
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED
Use the "iompadm info" command to check that the added storage system has been
correctly recognized and incorporated.
Set the Max Throttle value for the new storage system.
Execute the "mpdconfig -m" command to set a Max Throttle value for the new storage system. Refer to
the software information (/opt/FJSVmpd/manual/english/readme.pdf) for the Max Throttle value
computation method.
End of procedure
Storage System Reduction
Reduction without Server Rebooting
Using the "mpdconfig" command, storage systems can be removed without shutting down the server. Use the
following procedure.
Detach the storage system.
Disconnect the target storage system from the server (turn the storage system power off, disconnect
the cables, etc.).
Delete the removed storage system from the Multipath Driver target list using the
"mpdconfig -d" command.
# /opt/FJSVmpd/bin/iompadm info
# /opt/FJSVmpd/bin/mpdconfig -m
When removing the storage systems without server rebooting, completely halt all access to the storage
systems that are to be removed. If access cannot be halted, follow the procedures described in
Reduction with Server Rebooting" (page 85)
# /opt/FJSVmpd/bin/mpdconfig -d