Appendix A Syslog Messages
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS Multipath Driver V2 User’s Guide for Linux
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED
MPDH%d: NOTICE: %s: Device configuration is without CFL redundancy.
All paths connect to (ZZ%x, ZZ%x).
The condition of the connected storage system is such that performing concurrent firmware loading (CFL)
would cause all paths to become closed. ZZ is a RT for the ETERNUS6000 and a CM for storage systems other
than the ETERNUS6000, while %x is a number (the group number). For the position of the actual RT or CM
in the device, refer to the "FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS Multipath Driver V2 (for Linux) Installation
Information" found under "Downloads" at the following URL:
In the following connection cases, all paths would be closed during the CFL operation:
When the server is connected to RT00 and RT01 only, or to RT10 and RT11 only.
Storage systems other than ETERNUS6000
When the server is connected to even-numbered (group number) CMs only, or odd-numbered CMs only.
%s is the storage system information, specifically: storage_system_name - serial_number/
Device_identification_no. - magic_code - LUN_V_of_LU_number_0 (example: ETERNUS_DX8000-012345-
Note that the last four digits have a different meaning to the disk device identifier explained in
Device Identification" (page 49)
Connect the server and the indicated storage system (%s) in a configuration that is path-redundant with
respect to CFL and restart the server.
MPDH%d: WARNING: %s: Operation of LUN addition : failed
Adding a LUN fails because a path that cannot recognize the LUN to be added exists amongst the paths
configuring the multipath.
%d is a number and %s is storage system information, specifically: storage_system_name - serial_number/
Device_identification_no. - magic_code - LUN_V_of_LU_number_0 (example: ETERNUS_DXL-130011-0000-
The meaning of the last four numeric characters is different from the disk device identifier meaning
explained in
"3.3.1 Device Identification" (page 49)
In all paths that are connected from the server to the storage system indicated by the %s, review the
configuration to recognize the LUN to be added, and execute the "mpdconfig -a" command.
MPDH%d: WARNING: %s: Operation of Path addition : failed
Adding a path fails because the LUN recognized by the path to be added does not correspond to the LUN
recognized by the existing path.
%d is a number and %s is storage system information, specifically: storage_system_name - serial_number/
Device_identification_no. - magic_code - LUN_V_of_LU_number_0 (example: ETERNUS_DXL-130011-0000-
The meaning of the last four numeric characters is different from the disk device identifier meaning
explained in
"3.3.1 Device Identification" (page 49)
Review the configuration so that the LUN recognized by the path to be added corresponds to the LUN
recognized by the existing path, connected from the server to the storage system indicated by the %s, and
execute the "mpdconfig -a" command.