Once the fryer has been positioned at the frying station, use a carpenter’s level placed across
the top of the frypot to verify that the unit is level, both side-to-side and front-to-back.
To level fryers, adjust the casters being careful to ensure the fryer(s) are at the proper height in
the frying station.
When the fryer is leveled in its final position, install the restraints provided by the KES to limit its
movement so that it does not depend on or transmit stress to the connection. Install the re-
straints in accordance with the provided instructions. If the restraints are disconnected for ser-
vice or other reasons, they must be reconnected before the fryer is used.
Hot oil can cause severe burns. Avoid contact. Under all circumstances, oil must be removed
from the fryer before attempting to move it to avoid spills, falls, and severe burns. Fryers may tip
and cause personal injury if not secured in a stationary position.
Adequate means must be provided to limit the movement of this appliance without depending
on the connector and the quick-disconnect device or its associated piping to limit the appliance
Clean, and fill frypot(s) with cooking oil
. (See
Equipment Setup and Shutdown Procedures
in Chapter 3.)