The numbers at the end indicate the sound pressure level of the test signal used.
– EHA65 is the electroacoustic coupler measurement of the hearing aid with the signal
input at 65 dB SPL
– EFM80 is the electroacoustic coupler measurement of the FM microphone with the sig-
nal input at 80 dB SPL
– RFE80 is the real-ear measurement of the FM+ENV with the signal delivered to the
FM microphone at 80 dB SPL
See the Glossary for a list of all the labels and their definitions.
Arrangement of This Workbook
There are two main sections in this workbook. Section 1 describes sets of coupler measure-
ments of FM systems. Section 2 describes corresponding sets of real-ear measurements of
FM systems.
Section 1 contains four different sets of testing procedures, but you only need to follow the
testing procedure suitable for the FM system being tested. Section 2 contains two different
sets of testing procedures. Likewise, you only need to follow the real-ear procedures suitable
for the FM system. Ideally, you should perform one set of coupler measurements and one
set of real-ear measurements on each FM system.
It is assumed that you will perform the specified tests in sequential order. For instance, the
instructions in Section 1.2.2, Testing the FM response with typical input, assume that you have
done the steps in Section 1.2.1, Testing the hearing aid response with typical input. If it is more
convenient for you to alter the testing order, just be aware that some of the key presses will