Acknowledgments and References
Frye Electronics, Inc. gratefully acknowledges the personal assistance of Dawna Lewis and
Pat Stelmachowicz of the Boys Town National Research Hospital, Richard Seewald, Shane
Moodie, and Sheila Sinclair of the University of Western Ontario, and Cynthia Compton of
Gallaudet University. The procedures given in this guide do not necessarily reflect the rec-
ommendations of these audiologists; Frye Electronics, Inc. is solely responsible for the con-
tents of this guide. Frye Electronics, Inc. also thanks Phonak, Telex, Comtek, and Phonic Ear
for providing the equipment used in developing this guide.
This guide was revised in January, 2003 with considerable assistance from Dr. Linda
Thibodeau of the Advanced Hearing Research Center, University of Texas at Dallas.
For further study of methods and procedures for testing FM systems and auditory trainers,
the reader is referred to the following resources:
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1999, In Press) Guidelines for Fitting and
Monitoring FM Systems.
Cornelisse LE, Gagné J-P, and Seewald RC. Long-term average speech spectrum at the chest-
level microphone location. Journal of Speech Language Pathology and Audiology
(Canada), Vol. 15., No. 3, pp. 7-12, 1991.
Lewis DE. FM systems and assistive devices: selection and evaluation. In Pediatric
Amplification, Proceedings of the 1991 National Conference, J. Feigin and P. Stelmachowicz
(eds.), Boys Town National Research Hospital, Omaha, NE, 1991.
Lewis DE, Feigin JA, Karasek A, and Stelmachowicz PG. Evaluation and assessment of FM
systems. Ear and Hearing, 12, pp. 268-280, 1991.
Seewald RC and Moodie KS. Electroacoustic considerations. In FM Auditory Training
Systems, M. Ross (ed.), Chapter 4, York Press,Timonium, MD, 1992.