Testing FM Systems with FONIX 6500-CX Analyzers
2.3.6 Test environmental mic with typical input—REF65
1. Set up the environmental microphone for testing as described in Section 2.1.3. Make
sure to level the sound field speaker.
2. Press
] to select CRV 3.
3. Press [<, >] to select a source level of 65 dB SPL.
4. Press [START/STOP] to start the measurement and again once the measurement has
5. This measurement will be referred to as REF65 or the Real-Ear FM and
Environmental Response with 65 dB SPL input delivered to the environmental
6. Compare RHA65 (CRV 1) to RFE80 (CRV 2) and REF65 (CRV 3). RHA65 and REF65
should be similar while RFE80 should give a 7-10 dB advantage. See Figure 2.3.6.
Figure 2.3.6
Comparison of RHA65 (CRV 1),
RFE80 (CRV 2), and REF65 (CRV 3)