Dock Zone: MAX
Press GO
Dock Zone: 2:00
Press GO
Learning Edge
STOP to Set
Zone B: MAX
Press GO
User options
Press GO
Learn edge
Press GO
Learn Zone B
Press GO to Learn
Learning Edge
Press GO to Learn
User Preferences
Press GO
6.2.4 Work
Allows the user the option of setting the operating time from the ‘
default setting to times ranging
from 20 minutes up to 2 hours. Figure 6.4. This option is available for up to 4 different zones, Dock
Zone, Zone B, C or D. Having four different zones can allow you to set operating time for several
different zones that are of varying sizes, not requiring the same operating time for mowing.
6.2.5 Wide
Wide scan provides the Robomow a secondary navigation technique, which can prove to be
beneficial in some lawns. Wide scan will increase the distance between subsequent legs of mowing
after each movement off of the perimeter wire. If it appears that the Robomow is simply driving along
the same path back and forth, activate wide scan.
6.2.6 Learn
This menu option is used in
non-docking zone
only. The default distance for edge mowing is
approximately 1.5 to 2 rounds around the perimeter. This feature allows the user to learn a specific
distance in each operating zone in order to cause the mower to cut the edge a specific distance, such
as one full round. It will remain as a learned distance until the edge is re-learned or the factory default
edge is selected. It should be done when the Manual Controller is in the holder and flush with the
mower top. ‘Learn Edge’ gives you the ability to have the Robomow learn the distance around the
edge. Figure 6.5.
Position the Robomow to start edge mowing and place the Manual Controller in its holder
Follow the steps described in Figure 6.5 to begin the process
‘Learn Edge’
is specific to each zone, so be sure you have selected the correct zone where
you want the edge learned
Scrolling up or down will change the
zone, if a time is set for that zone.
Press ‘
and scroll to
‘Learn edge’ option
Press ‘
Driving around perimeter. Follow the
mower and press the ‘
button when
the desired distance has been reached.
Use the ‘
or ‘
arrow keys
to scroll to the ‘User Options’ display
Press ‘
Figure 6.5
Scroll to select
different zones.
Scroll to select different operating
times. Times range from: 20
minutes to 2 hours to ‘
Figure 6.4
Press ‘