The Manual Controller can only operate in manual mode when removed from the holder, which holds
it in place during automatic operation. For safety it is designed in such a way that manual operation is
prohibited while in the holder and automatic operation is prohibited when removed from the holder.
You will also notice that the Manual Controller contains the keypad for starting automatic operation as
well as the emergency stop.
To access manual operation, remove the Manual Controller as seen in Figure 3.9. The controller is
designed to be grasped by both hands while operating, with the blade control buttons to the left side
and the driving/navigation button to the right. Once the controller is removed, driving the Robomow
from place to place is very simple. Using your thumb or index finger of your right hand, gently press
the navigator button in the direction you want to drive. The button is omni-directional, allowing for slight
turns as well as sharp turns, all the way to a complete circle. It takes little pressure to activate the drive
motors using the navigator button, and use is best obtained by lightly rolling your finger in the direction
you wish to drive. Continuous pressure is required to drive, so once released the mower will cease
movement. Figure 3.10.
Manual driving has a slow and fast speed. You can change the speed to the other level at any time by
pressing the speed button once while driving. Another press and the speed returns to the opposite
level. See Figure 3.10.
3.12 Manual Mowing
You have the ability to manually activate the blades on the Robomow in order to trim small areas.
After the blades are activated you may drive the mower using the navigator button and you may cut in
any direction the navigator button will operate, including reverse.
The manual mowing operation on the Manual Controller is a two-step OPC (Operator Presence
Control) type system for safe use. It requires two separate and independent steps to activate the
blades and once activated, release of the button will immediately stop the blades. At any time the
blades have been stopped, it will require the OPC activation process to be repeated. During manual
mowing operation, activation to any bumper sensor will shut down the blades. Figure 3.11.