1.6 Corners & Sharp Turns
Care must be taken not to create a corner sharper than 90 degrees when setting up the perimeter wire. A
corner sharper than 90 degrees can cause the Robomow to lose track of the perimeter wire. In situations
where a corner may require a wire placement of less than a 90-degree angle, placement can be adjusted
using several angles to avoid this. See Figure 1.11.
1.7 Narrow Areas And Narrow Passes
There is a limitation to the width of an area the Robomow can effectively navigate through in order to move
into another larger, but attached area. A narrow pass is defined as an area that narrows down
substantially from the initial width and in which the Robomow must pass through in order to access and cut
other zones, an hourglass shape. The minimum distance for an effective narrow pass is 5.5 feet (1.7 m)
between perimeter wires. The larger a pass can be made, the better access Robomow will have between
the zones. This will greatly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the mower. See Figure 1.14. For
an area that is narrow in width, but does not provide access to another section of the same zone, there is a
minimum working distance of 5.5 feet (1.7m). Figure 1.14.
Correct corner
setup, using several angles
to avoid an angle of less
than 90-degrees
Incorrect corner
Figure 1.11 – Proper Setup in Sharp Corners
Lawn area
90 degrees
Perimeter Wire
Add pegs in to pull the perimeter wire
down to the ground surface, below the
grass tips.
Figure 1.10 – Pegging the Perimeter Wire