Cyclone PRO User Manual
View Register Files
The “View Register Files...” menu selection also gives the user the option
of running the register file viewer/editor. If register files are available for
the device that you have chosen, the “Choose a Register Block” window
Figure 8-24
) will be opened. You may also open it by entering the
command in the Command Window command line.
Figure 8-24: Choose A Register Block Window
If register files have been installed on the host computer, selecting a block
brings up the Register Block register listing (see
Figure 8-25
), which
shows a list of the associated registers, their addresses, and their
descriptions. This begins interactive setup of system registers such as I/
O, timer, and COP watchdog.
Figure 8-25: Register Block Register Listing
Selecting a file brings up the Register Window (see
Figure 8-26
), which
displays the values and significance for each bit in the register. The
registers can be viewed and their values modified, and the values can be
stored back into debugger memory.