Cyclone PRO User Manual
these settings” button, if the programmer successfully contacts the target it
will ask you for the algorithm you wish to use during programming. Select the
proper algorithm for the device you are attempting to program. Then simply
select the s-record object you wish to program using the “SS” command. Now
the setup of the PROG08SZ is complete and you are ready for operations on
the target EEPROM/FLASH. You may choose “EM – Erase Module” to erase
the target EEPROM/FLASH. Then use “BM – Blank Check Module” to see if
the target EEPROM/FLASH is indeed erased. After that, you may choose “PM
– Program Module” to program the S-record object into the target. Finally, you
may use “VC – Verify CRC Checksum” to verify that the contents are properly
programmed in the target memory.
Command Line Programmer
CPROG is a command line programmer that allows quick turn-around time for
programming target MCUs. The user may create a script file to instruct the
software to execute specific commands in sequence. Please refer to CPROG
documentation for more information.
Freescale Software
The special edition of Freescale’s CodeWarrior studio offers absolute
assembly and provides debugging capabilities based on P&E’s programming
and debug technologies.
Freescale CodeWarrior
A programming or debug session with the project-based CodeWarrior IDE
may be launched by double-clicking on the project name (format is
projectname.mcp) from your file storage. Starting a new project is a little more
challenging, but the tutorials, FAQs, and Quick Start Guides are easy to follow
and have you building a new project, using pre-built templates, in a short time.
The following example illustrates how to program and debug an M68HC908
MCU from within the CodeWarrior IDE.
Here are the main steps in programming the FLASH with CodeWarrior and
starting a debug session.
1. a. Launch the CodeWarrior CW08 software and create a new project,
b. Double-click on your project file (projectname.mcp)