Basic Settings PRELIMINARY
User Manual EML1101
If the current target maximum demand is exceeded the registered value is adopted as the new target
maximum demand. The settings for the self adjusting target maximum demand can be set under this
menu item.
Term Description
Initial value target
maximum demand
Target maximum demand that is to be set as current target
maximum demand at the beginning of a new billing period
Upper limit target
maximum demand
Determines up to which limit self adjusting target maximum demand
can be carried out
Current target maximum
This is the value to which regulation will be carried out. Changes of
this value will be immediately included in regulation!
The self adjusting target maximum demand resets the target maximum demand after an excess to the
level of the excess. The upper level target maximum demand determines the highest level to which
target maximum demand can be adjusted. If this is exceeded there will be no adjustment . All
adjustment or excesses will be entered in the event list (see chapter 9.9
At the beginning of the adjustment it can occur that the instrument operates in emergency mode for a
longer period because the initial value is set too low. The initial value must then be set higher. If you
wish to retain the low initial value and some channels should retain their switching times, choose
Time preference’
in the load settings.
Enter upper limit for the individual profiles.
Enter initial value target maximum demand for the individual profiles. Choose a lower value
than the one that has been set until now. Initial value target maximum demand must be set
lower than the upper limit! Initial value target maximum demand is first adopted as the current
target maximum demand when a reset via contact or date has taken place. The current target
maximum demand should be set to initial value target maximum demand during the first
configuration. Active/inactive
You can choose to activate/deactivate the self adjusting target maximum demand with the cursor
Resetting via external signal/ resetting via internal date
reset via contact
if your electricity company gives you a potential free contact for
synchronisation of the billing period.
Set the type of the reset edge with the front fascia buttons.
Positive/contact opens
negative/contact closes
both/closing and opening