- MUX 1, MUX 2, MUX 3, MUX 4: select which output MUX to configure by setting the various submenus.
• CONFIGURATION: sets all the output MUX parameters.
• ENABLE: enables the selected MUX; by setting the parameter OFF, the MUX is turned off
• OUTPUT CHANNEL: set the output channel where the MUX will be modulated; this parameter
automatically changes the value of the adjacent MUX channel in the same pair.
• COUNTRY: select the country for the channelling standard.
• FREQUENCY (MHz): set the output frequency where the MUX will be modulated; this parameter
automatically changes the value of the adjacent MUX frequency in the same pair.
• BANDWIDTH: select the bandwidth from the available ones (7 MHz, 8 MHz, 6MHz); this parameter
automatically changes the bandwidth value of the adjacent MUX in the same pair.
• FEC: set the FEC (Forward Error Connection) parameter from the available ones (1/2, 2/3, ¾, 5/6,
7/8) [only DVB-T]
• GUARD INTERVAL: set the guard interval from the available ones (1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32) [only DVB-T]
• CARRIER NUMBER: set the carrier number between 2K and 8K [only DVB-T]
• CONSTELLATION: set the constellation used to module the carriers from among QPSK, 16QAM and
64QAM [in DVB-T] or 16QAM, 32QAM, 64QAM, 128QAM and 256QAM [in DVB-C]
• RF LEVEL: regulate the output level in dBuV, at steps of 1 dBuV; this parameter automatically changes
the level value of the adjacent MUX in the same pair.
• SPECTRUM: set the spectrum (NORMAL or INVERTED) according to the reception instrument, that
can only work in one of the following two ways; normally NORMAL is set.
• BITRATE: shows the measures of the bitrate in the multiplex of output programs.
• BITRATE USED: indicates the bitrate used. This parameter refers to the total measure of all the
programs added to the output program list.
• BITRATE AVAILABLE: indicates the available bitrate. This parameter refers to the total measure of
the available output bitrates after inserting one or more programs.
• BR PEAK USED: measures the maximum peak bitrate (bit/s) used by the programs in the output
• BR PEAK AVAILABLE: measures the total peak bitrate (bit/s) available in the output MUX.
• RESET BR PEAK: to reset the peaks to the initial values calculated according to the digital modulation
settings. After a bitrate overflow, when the peaks have reached their limit value, this function has to
be used.
• OVERFLOW ALARM: manages the bitrate overflow alarms.
• ALARM STATUS: shows if a bitrate overflow has occurred.
• RESET ALARM: cancels the overflow alarm. With this function the product is reset on the standard
working conditions (the red LED is turned off).
• ENABLE: to enable (set to ON) the overflow alarm signal function. If the function is set on OFF the
option is disabled.