Chapter 3
Input and Channel Configuration
This chapter supplies instructions on how to wire inputs to the Input Module then
configure the associated channel.
Input Wiring
The Universal Input Module
The 2686A-100 Universal Input Module (the Input Module) is used to wire inputs of
various types to the Product (see Figure 3-1). Each Input Module has 22 analog channels
(ChX01 through ChX20) that can be configured to measure dc volts, ac volts, resistance,
frequency, and temperature and two low-burden current channels (ChX21 and ChX22)
that can be configured to measure ac and dc current without the use of an external shunt
To expand the functionality of the Product, current sources can also be connected
to channels ChX01 through ChX20 by the use of an accessory shunt resistor. See
Chapter 6 for part number and ordering information.