9. The preparation of pre-operational
Important Note: the whole instrumentation (including sensors and Transmitter) to run a rigorous
adjustment and flow calibration in the factory, one by one after passing the test
In Plants. To the end user, So, it can be put into operation without any adjustments. Therefore, the initial
operation of the problems encountered, should be in accordance with the specifications Reference points
one by one inspection, a careful analysis, troubleshooting. Avoid Blindly tamper to make a good set of
adjustments to the original instrument to confuse or even damage.
Instrument can be put into operation the following steps:
1) First open upstream and downstream the valve with Sensor, so that sensors measuring tube filled with
test medium;
2. ) Power for one minute, Transmitter showed an immediate increase to a certain numerical value, pls
wiring is correct or not, when the flow direction is wrong,pls
Check the direction of the sensor installation is correct.
3) zero Trim , instrument through the media 15 minutes after the first sensor tightly closed valve
downstream side, and then shut down the upstream side of the valve, so that tube
Stop the flow of fluid and no leakage, the flow shows zero. Zero if too high or too low, Pls do Zero Trim on
the Transmitter. Specific operations see Transmitter Manual p. 27
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