Works conveniently with all major radio systems
Accepts signals from Spektrum SRXL, Futaba S.Bus,
Graupner Hott (Sum D of 8), JR XBus (Mode B), Jeti UDI12
(standard), Hitec S.Bus, PPM Stream
Expertly tuned and ready to use
USB port allows loading model configurations, user
programming, and firmware updates (cable included)
Flexible and extensive programming through Windows-
based PC or tablet
3+ flight modes allow precise or aggressive settings to be
selected in flight
3-axis gyro utilized in FlexJet TV programming
Powerful 32-bit processor and multi-axis sensor for future
The Aura 8 Advanced Flight Control System (AFCS) installed in
your FlexJet TV is a giant leap forward in aircraft flight control
system technology. Compatible with virtually every receiver on the
market today, the Aura features special configuration for serial data
connection for Futaba or Hitec S.Bus, Spektrum SRXL, Graupner
HOTT (Sum D of 8), JR XBus (Mode B), and Jeti UDI12 (standard)
The Aura 8 advanced flight control system installed in your aircraft
has been pre-tuned for ease of use, eliminating many hours of
tedious setup. For the latest Aura features, programs, transmitter
downloads, and instructions, please visit wiki.flexinnovations.com/
The Aura is programmable through any Windows based PC or
tablet. All dual rate, expo, travel and assignable mode programs are
adjusted inside the Aura through the PC application. An assignable
master gain that is OFF by default can be enabled by the Aura
application. If desired, assign CH 8/AUX 3 on a proportional dial or
By default, CH6/Aux1 is used to select the 3 flight modes by 3
position transmitter switch.
CH5/Gear is used to retract/deploy
the landing gear.
Visit wiki.flexinnovations.com/wiki/Aura for the
latest Aura-related product information and
tips for your particular radio brand.
Description of Pre-Loaded Aura Flight Modes (FM)
Each of the modes has been tuned by the Flex Team to offer a solid start. Because tastes in control feel are unique, if changes in rates
and expo are needed, adjustments should be made through the
Aura 8,
not the transmitter.
Changes in gain value can only be made through the Aura or via
master gain (if activated)
Flight Mode 1 (Test / Safety):
Gyro gain is set to off. All rates are set to low for general flight. Exponential is tuned for comfortable flight. Tailerons are active. Thrust
Vectoring is deactivated.
Flight Mode 2 (Sport / Precision):
Gyro gain is set to low. All rates are set to low for sport / precision flight. Exponential is tuned for comfortable flight. Tailerons are active.
Thrust Vectoring is active and set to moderate rates.
Mode 3 (3D Rate):
Gyro gains are high and tuned for low-speed post-stall flight. All rates are set to highest. Exponential is tuned for comfortable flight.
Tailerons are active. Thrust Vectoring is active and set to high rates.
Do NOT fly at High Speed. Doing so
may induce gyro