Position the FlexJet so that it is level. Standing approximately 10-20 feet (3-7 m) behind the aircraft, visually sight the vertical stabilizer,
ensuring the installation is true and perpendicular relative to the fuselage. Use a file to fine-tune the plywood tube mount if needed.
After ensuring the vertical stabilizer is true, remove the stabilizer.
Mark the vertical stabilizer tube at the point where the tube exits the fuselage and remove it from the fuselage.
Mix and apply an appropriate amount of epoxy to the hole in the fuselage for the vertical stab tube and apply a thin coat to the tube that
will be inserted into the fuselage. Insert the tube so that it is flush with the inner wall of the fuselage (touching the tape applied in step
1). Use a paper towel and isopropyl alcohol to wipe any excess epoxy off of the rudder tube that extends out of the fuselage and the
fuselage itself.
Please note, If any excess epoxy remains on the vertical stabilizer tube and/or fuselage it will prohibit a flush fit
of the fin to the fuselage as well as make vertical fin extremely difficult to remove. In addition, if the vertical stabilizer tube
extends too far inside the fuselage, it will interfere with the thrust tube.
Re-install the vertical stabilizer per step 3 and re-sight the stabilizer per step 4. It may be helpful to apply low-tack masking tape to the
stabilizer and fuselage in a manner that temporarily holds the stabilizer in place as the epoxy cures.
Power on the radio system. Check the mechanical rudder trim by comparing the trailing edge of the rudder relative to the vertical
If adjustment is needed, remove the clevis from the control horn, and turn the clevis. Re-attach the clevis to the control horn and
inspect the mechanical trim of the rudder. Repeat this step until the trailing edge of the rudder is centered relative to the vertical
Once satisfied with the mechanical trim of the rudder, apply a drop of blue thread locker at the point where the clevis and control
linkage meets.
Inspect the glue joint of the fuselage and vertical stabilizer tube. If satisfied, remove the low-tack masking tape from inside of fuselage.
*Apply blue thread locker*
*Mark rudder tube with felt-tip pen*