Verify the transmitter elevator stick is set to neutral and trim is centered. Test fit the stab linkage arm onto the spline of the stab tube.
The linkage arm should be parallel relative to the servo arm and pointing towards the bottom of the fuselage. Check the leading edge of
the stabilizer relative to the elevator trim gauge. Remove the stab linkage arm and turn the clevis as necessary to center the stabilizer.
Please note, the stabilizer will hold a small amount of up elevator as indicated by the elevator trim gauge.
Once satisfied with the mechanical trim of the stabilizer, use the included 2mm hex driver to secure the M2 x 6mm cap head self-
tapping screw through the linkage arm and into the spline of the stab tube.
Be sure to avoid over-tightening the screw, do NOT use
blue thread locker on this connection.
Apply a drop of blue thread locker at the point where the clevis and control linkage meets.
Repeat steps 4-7 for the other stabilizer
ensuring the stab angle is the same for both left and right stabilizers before proceeding
*Note, FlexJet TV is positioned upside-down*
*Apply blue thread locker*
*Note, FlexJet TV is positioned upside-down*